
October 28, 2012

Jane Austen's Time

So after searching on Polyvore for almost 45 minutes, I created a Regency era-esque outfit.  I was thinking earlier, wishing my co-op was having a costume party for Halloween.  And then I was thinking what my costume would be if that actually happened. I decided I'd want to hunt down some Regency-esque clothing and go as Jane Austen, or Elizabeth Bennet, or Jane Bennet, or something along those lines.  And this is similar to what I'd probably wear. :) (With a fun background.  Both shots are from the 2005 movie version of P&P, I'm pretty sure.)

October 25, 2012

Writer's Block: Myth or Nagging Issue?

Writer's block.  If you want to be any type of writer some day, those words probably send chills up your spine.  But what is it truly?  I've heard published authors say it doesn't really exist.  Some will say it's an impossible hurdle.  Others claim there are different types.  I tend to agree with the first and the third.  Writer's block comes in two different types, according to Ally Carter (I will post the link to the page where I got this info at the end of this blog post): "can't get off the couch" and "your book is wrong".

In the first, it's basically when you've lost your will to write for the time-being.  In those instances, you need to write through and become a stronger, more persistent human being.  Turn off your Internet, put someone else in charge of your cell phone, get rid of all distractions!  If you need to research, either go to the library or make sure you stay on task on the Internet.  There's nothing like Googling how the Empire State Building was made and then getting sidetracked by reading about famous movies that feature said building.  If the ideas just aren't flowing, there are things that can help.  Eat "brain" food, stuff that fuels your energy.  Exercise, whether it's a walk, a swim, playing a pick-up game of basketball, whatever!  Take a shower.  That one's a bit weird, but seriously.  Who doesn't spend most of their shower contemplating various random thoughts.  It's a good time to drum up story ideas.  Just make sure you don't lose 'em before you can write the ideas down!  Read a book.  Often reading someone else's writing encourages me.  Listen to good music, nothing worthless (that means no "Call Me Maybe").  Listen to something more thought-provoking like, yes, Taylor Swift (I had to include her somehow!), or Christian songs, or Kelly Clarkson, or Carrie Underwood, or Adele, or show tunes, or...I could go on forever.  Just something that fits your mood and maybe your book theme.

But now for writer's block numero deux (number two).  You're having trouble with your book itself.  Scenes feel forced.  Your characters are turning dull.  Whereas Type One has easy fixes and can be written through, Type Two must be written around.  So take a step back.  Maybe you need to remove a scene.  No matter how good it sounds, it probably doesn't fit the direction of your story or it can't segue into some more interesting stuff.  This one can also be helped by reading and music, along with a change of scenery (which could also be useful in Type One).  If you always write at a desk, move your paper or laptop (hopefully you don't use a desktop...) to a comfy rug or the library or your backyard.  Just make sure there's nothing too distracting around you.  You could also be totally cliche and go to a coffee shop.  Wear hipster glasses, order a latte, and write feverishly-people will be impressed! ;)

And never forget to have fun.  If you're not enjoying your novel, no one else will, and that's bad.

October 22, 2012

Taylor Swift

Pssh, I'm not obsessed with Taylor Swift.  Where did y'all get that crazy idea?!  Oh, wait, I am.... Right now I'm listening to her new album, Red, while wearing my Forever Red fragrance from Bath & Body Works, wearing my red heart flower ring, and watching my Taylor Swift picture slide show.  And no, that's not overkill.  Not to mention I probably have about 75 pictures of her... okay, it might be time to commit me to a mental home.  Or not... xD

Wanna see some of my favorite Tay pictures?  Well you're going to anyways.

Well, I'll stop there, I suppose... you can sigh with relief and cheer now.

Sorry, I couldn't resist. *rolls eyes*

October 20, 2012

Day Six

And here we are at last, at the final day of our own little fashion week.  I'm about to show a real-life outfit of mine.  It's not complete because I couldn't find the black tights and black cami I wore with it. :P They must be in the wash.  But since the top, skirt, and shoes are all there, I think you're getting a pretty good idea of what I wore this past Sunday to church. :)

My favorite part of the sweater is that part of the back, up towards the neckline, is lace.  And those are my favorite ankle boots.  I will literally wear them every chance I get.  I wore them to the mall when my mom and I went shopping in August.  I wore them to Chicago in September.  And I wear them a lot to co-op.  And if you're wondering, yes, my feet hurt after walking all over Chicago. :P

October 19, 2012

Day Five

Ah, it's the last day! :( I've loved creating these outfits for all of you, and I sincerely hope you've enjoyed them, too.  Here's the last one, using the dress and the sweater.

October 18, 2012

Day Four

Well look at that.  It's already day four!  That really means I should lay out my outfit and take a picture of it in preparation for Saturday.  But I'm a procrastinator and I'm feeling particularly lazy today, so that won't be happening.  Here's outfit number four, and it's one of my personal faves. :)

October 17, 2012

A Lesson in Boredom

All right, Seana, I love you dearly.  Well not exactly love, since I don't know you in real life... ok, I like you dearly.  There, that works. xD ANYWAYS.  Seana, I like you dearly.  But did you really have to let me read that last sentence so I had to do the Liebster Award AGAIN?  I guess that's what I get for being bored and wanting something to do. :P Time to answer eleven questions.

1. Who is your favorite book character and why? *stares at this question for five minutes* I can't choooooooseeeee! D: Okay, maybe I'll say Jess Delaney from The Mother-Daughter Book Club because she's sort of like me.  She's blonde and petite, has blue eyes, loves animals, and likes her friend's older brother (well, I used to).
2. What celebrity do you think you're most like? I guess Taylor Swift?  I don't think I'm really like any celeb...
3. Have you ever wondered what a rainbow would taste like? Nope.
4. When asked to do something, what is your go-to best excuse? Either "I'm busy" or "I'm in the middle of something important!"  And my parents say I pull those two a lot.
5. If I gave you a present, what do you suppose it would be? Well, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have glitter on it...
6. Would you rather eat dirt or mud? Seana, you just made me gag.  Neither. :P
7. What is your dream? To become a famous author...even though I hate public speaking and being the center of attention, haha.
8. If someone walked up to you and said they'd give you a million dollars if you would wear a pink tutu on your head, flap your arms like a bird, and sing an opera song by heart, would you do it? Nope, because I don't know any opera.
9. How would you explain to an alien the art of eating a cookie? It's basically like eating any other food, so...
10. Why do you suppose I'm not doing an eleventh question? You hate the number eleven?

I've decided to be unexpected.  This time I won't be breaking the cycle, because...if you read the previous sentence, you have to answer the eleven questions below.  You can do it on your own blog (as long as you link it in a comment) or answer them in the comments.

1. Have you ever eaten a macaron?
2. What does this line from a Shakespearean play make you think of: “Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind."
3. Would you rather eat pie or do English homework?
4. What languages do you know?
5. If you had $10,000 to take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go?
6. If you were an electronic device, what would you be?
7. Which job would you rather try to learn in one day: hair stylist or gardener?
8. What color pen do you prefer to write with?
9. Would you read a book if it were Shakespeare's plays rewritten?
10. What do you think makes a better tragedy: love, death, or squirrel suicide?
11. Who would you tie to a chair and lecture about manners?

Day Three

Today I used a dress and leggings, the final pieces from the seven-piece collection.  I also repeated a piece.  This outfit might be a little out there for some of you-and I probably wouldn't wear it myself, lol-but I think it looks kind of cool.

October 16, 2012

Day Two

Three new pieces coming your way!  A sweater, a tank, and a pair of jeans.  Tomorrow, something from yesterday or today might just repeat, but for now, it's all new pieces.  This is an outfit I can picture wearing out shopping.  Readers who go to a public or private school, tell me-would you wear something like this to school?

October 15, 2012

Day One

We're starting with a fun, flirty, sort of simple outfit.  The top and skirt are from the seven main pieces that you'll see running throughout.

October 14, 2012

Are Y'all Ready?

I'm wondering if y'all are ready for another fashion week of sorts.  I've assembled a collection of seven clothing pieces on Polyvore, and I will use all of them in five outfits you can put together consisting of them and then various accessories and shoes.  Then I'll close up the week by sharing an outfit of my own.  So give me feedback!  Does this sound good to you?  Is another fashion week something you're interested in?

I also have a couple fun week-long activity planned, both of which will be in November (National Novel Writing Month!).  Yeah, that's a bit of a hint... See if you can guess what those secret two weeks involve. ;)

October 6, 2012

Taylor Swift's New Album, and a Book Review!

So today, we found out the track listings for Taylor Swift's upcoming album, Red!  Sixteen lovely songs, and there are six international bonus tracks (I'm hoping the U.S. will have access to those bonus tracks sooner than later).

All nineteen songs (three of the international bonus tracks are the original demos and an acoustic version) sound like they'll be amazing.  We've already heard "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together", "Begin Again", and "Red".  In the next two weeks, two more singles will be released. :D

So yesterday, Kate loaned me Mark of Athena and I read it in about three hours (yup, I'm just that awesome. LOL.). (There will be some spoilers in this section, so skip to the next paragraph, if you don't want to ruin the book for you.)  It was pretty good.  I loved hearing Annabeth's POV, and stuff actually happened. (They went to Rome!)  I felt, though, like the seven were encountering way too many random and obscure figures from mythology. :P It got confusing.  Jason and Piper are officially dating, and I have mixed feelings about that.  I kind of liked the idea of Jason and Reyna, haha. xD I also absolutely hated the way it ended.  It just doesn't sound like things are going well.

Now I'm off to re-read Mark of Athena and listen to Taylor Swift music!  The only thing better than this will be listening to Red and reading Wish You Were Eyre. ^.^ (They come out the 22nd and 23rd!!!!)