
Sensitivity Reader Services

Sensitivity Reader Services

As well as offering copy editing/proofreading services, I now offer sensitivity reader services for YA/NA fiction projects. 

What I can read for:
  • Anxiety (Generalized and Social)
  • Asexuality Spectrum
  • Christian characters
  • Homeschooling

My experience:
I've been writing YA (as of now, unpublished) for about seven years (since I was still a teen myself). I've taken eight workshop-based classes in fiction, poetry, journalism, and creative nonfiction as part of my creative writing major at Asbury University. I was the copy editor for the National Model Railroad Association Rock River Valley Division's newsletter for three years, and I was a contributing editor for my university's branch of The Odyssey Online for just shy of two years. In addition, I have been serving as the Children's Managing Editorial Intern at Bloomsbury USA since June 2018.

What I'll read and not read:
~YA and NA (as long as the latter is light on sex scenes) in the following genres: contemporary, historical fiction, fantasy, some paranormal (feel free to ask if your story is something I would read), and mystery/thriller. 
~I will also read adult historical fiction.
~I will not read horror or erotica. I also would prefer not to read stories that include rape or romanticize abusive relationships.

What I'll do as a sensitivity reader:
~Point out microaggressions, slurs, stereotypes, and any harmful rep, and suggest ways to fix it.
~Comment on the accuracy of the rep I'm reading for, based on my experience.
~If I find rep I am not reading for harmful, I will note it and suggest you find a sensitivity reader for that area of representation.
~I will not discuss the contents of your manuscript after performing the sensitivity read. However, I reserve the right to critique the finished, published edition.

(I also recommend you get more than one sensitivity reader as my views and experiences do not represent the entire community. And as a reminder, sensitivity readers do not absolve your work from criticism. We are not shields, nor do we necessarily endorse your work.)


Full Manuscript Sensitivity Read - pricing based on word count/page count (usually around $200 per 50k words)
Throughout your manuscript, I will leave comments about what I like or what needs work. You will also receive a one to two-page edit letter, expanding on and summarizing my in-line comments and providing any suggestions for problematic elements.

Individual Scenes/Partial Manuscript Sensitivity Read - pricing based on word count/page count (usually around $30 per 50 pages for scattered scenes throughout a manuscript)
I will leave comments throughout the scenes about what I like or what needs work. I will sum up my thoughts at the end of the document. I may ask questions to make sure I understand what is happening, since I am not receiving the full manuscript.

Things to Know Before You Submit:
1. I prefer to read manuscripts that are close to submission ready (i.e., it has been proofread so that typos do not bog me down).
2. For full manuscript reads, I require payment before I start the project; for partial reads (depending on the length of the piece), I require payment before I return the comments to you. There are no refunds. My preferred payment method is through PayPal.
3. Prices can be affected by requested turnaround time. However, for full manuscripts, I will usually require at least 30 days. 
4. I require all submissions to be sent as Word Docs in 12-point font with 1-inch margins.
5. It may take me a few days to get back to you after you first contact me. Please be patient.
6. I do provide full manuscript discounts for college students and people of color (must provide proof, i.e., link me to a social media account or email me from your school email address).
7. If I provide a sensitivity read for you, I ask that you do not name names if someone criticizes the rep I read for in your book. That would be using me a shield, which is not acceptable.
8. Even though I offer copy editing/proofreading services as well, I will not make any copy editing comments unless you have requested and paid for both services. (Note: I will likely require that you implement the copy editing changes before I will perform the sensitivity read.)

How to Submit:
Send the following to em (dot) b (dot) saska (at) gmail (dot) com, with "Sensitivity Read Request" as the subject line.
1. Your name and the genre and title (can be a working title) of your book.
2. Whether you are requesting a full or partial, and then the page count and word count.
3. Which area of representation you want me to read for.
4. Requested turnaround time. (Note: full manuscripts will usually take me about 4 weeks.)

When I respond (and if I accept the request), I will include my requested fee, and you can choose from there whether or not to proceed. I look forward to working with you! 


"Emma's professionalism, her meticulous approach, and her ability to clearly explain areas of concern are exceptional. Her sensitivity read provided me with a summary of thoughts as well as detailed in-manuscript notes. These insights into the ace spectrum were particularly helpful in capturing the subtleties of the character I had written and gave me a much-needed perspective from a member of the ace community." - Danika Stone, author of All the Feels and Internet Famous

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