
November 17, 2013

NaNo Day Seventeen

Word count: 25,014 as of yesterday
Song of the day: "On Our Way"~The Royal Concept

I haven't written as much as I would have liked to so far this weekend.  I was exhausted after co-op on Friday, and on Saturday, I had a composition assignment that had to come first (plus I just didn't feel like writing).

Do you ever have days like that where you can't shove real life aside to write?  I hate that I have so many school obligations that get in the way of what I really love to do.  For example, this week, I have that composition assignment that was due yesterday (rest assured, I turned it in on time), another composition assignment due on the 25th (it's a big paper), three geometry lessons that are really making me cranky, family and consumer science assignments, journaling for writing club, and the usual writing club assignment.  Thankfully, for that last one, it's a free write so I'm going to choose something I've already written (likely a scene from To Die, To Sleep) and present it to my group for critiques.  I'm also fortunate that I'm three weeks ahead in foundations for living and civics.  That's two less subjects I have to worry about.

So how do y'all fit writing into your lives, especially for those who go to public schools and have many extracurriculars?

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