
November 5, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Sequels I Can't Wait For

So in this post "sequels" won't just refer to the second book, just so y'all know.  But let's get started.

1. Cress by Marissa Meyer
Now that I've read Allegiant, Cress is the next book I've super psyched for.  It honestly can't come soon enough.

2. The Captive Maiden by Melanie Dickerson
Since the release date got pushed back from October 22 to November 19, this is an even harder wait!

3. Independent Study by Joelle Charbonneau
I haven't even read The Testing yet and I'm so excited for this book.  Crazy, right?

4. Going Rogue by Robin Benway
Also Known As was pretty great, and I'm excited for the sequel.  Plus, isn't its cover so pretty?  I really want Maggie's shoes and tights. (I'm weird. I know.)

5. Wicked Little Secrets by Kara Taylor
I read Prep School Confidential and was very intrigued.  I'm sure this sequel will be just as great.

6. The One by Kiera Cass
I've talked about how I'm looking forward to this before, so I don't think I need to elaborate anymore. 

Now for sequels that are already out, but I haven't read.

7. Just One Year by Gayle Forman
Not a huge fan of the cover, but I cannot wait for the library to get this in!  I devoured Just One Day and while I wish we got to see what happens after the last scene of JOD, I'm interested in the concept for JOY. (I also kind of like how its acronym spells joy...)

8. Goddess Interrupted by Aimee Carter
I haven't even read The Goddess Test yet, haha.  I'm waiting for it and this one, too, to come in at my library.

Only eight books!  A lot of the books I'm looking forward to reading are actually stand-alones, surprisingly enough!


  1. Nice picks! We even share some. O have to start reading Carter, I have been meaning to starts the books for ages now...
    Happy reading!
    My TTT

    1. Awesome, I'll have to check your list out. :)

  2. Yay for Cress! I can't wait for it too. I think the cover of Just One Year is cute but maybe Willem can look more willing? LOL Hope you enjoy it. Great list!

    Chel @ The Procrastinator's Corner

    1. Haha, yeah, that could help.

      I'm practically dying for Cress. The wait for Winter...I can't even begin to fathom that.

  3. The One just might kill me. I'm a little scared to read it, honestly. You?

    TTT @ Krista's Dust Jacket

    1. I'm worried she won't choose the guy I want her to, and I'm also worried it'll have some of the cliche love triangle and stupidity I noticed in The Elite, but I really want to find out how it all ends.

  4. First two: SO TOTALLY YES!
    The others: no idea what most of them are, but they look cool.
    And you are definitely not weird for wanting Maggie's shoes and tights. There've been book covers and the like that I've looked at and been like "Oh wow, I wish I had that [clothing item]!"

    1. Haha. :)
      And it's good to know I'm not weird for wanting book cover clothing!

  5. I still need to read The Lunar Chronicles, have Cinder and Scarlet sitting on my shelves right now! Excited to see how it all ends for America in The One as well. My TTT.
