
August 4, 2017

Random Friday: What Books Would You Save?

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I'm using this week's Random Friday to ask a question: if you could safely save a tote bag full of books if your home was on fire/you had to suddenly go on the run/etc., what books would you include in the tote bag?

For answering this question myself, I took what is probably my largest tote bag and filled it with the books I value most (and it was pretty heavy and technically overflowing).

(Top of the bag. You can see how Second Chance Summer isn't fully in the bag, lol.)

Since you can't see all the books I fit, I'll list them below:
the Heist Society trilogy;
this edition of Anne of Green Gables;

When checking my shelves for what I'd include, I completely forgot about my foreign editions! I so wish I could've fit some of those... Ah, well. Let's just hope I never have to deal with a house fire.

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