
July 31, 2014

ReReadathon Thoughts and Final Tally

It's the last day of July, which means the last day of RRSS14!  I've pretty much finished all my books, although I've purposely saved two for next weekend and I didn't get to Free to Fall.  They'll still be a part of my Summer of Rereads, but since I leave for Asbury on the 10th, I wanted to leave Fangirl and Roomies for the drive down.

What I've Read Since July 14:
The Chaos of Stars by Kiersten White
I haven't reread this in months, so RRSS14 (and my Summer of Rereads) was the perfect opportunity to make time for it.  It was still snarky fun, a bit fluffy and it wrapped up a bit too quickly, but I still want a finished copy.

The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski
This book is not like the Throne of Glass series, which makes me want to thrash about and cry because of the feels.  But The Winner's Curse is still amazing.  It's a quiet good until the last few chapters and then I'm overwhelmed with how amazing it is and how shrewd Kestrel is and how much I want to be her.

Heist Society by Ally Carter
*flails because Hale*

Nil by Lynne Matson
This is my sole title for the Shelf Sweeper portion of RRSS14.  A friend gifted me this book several weeks ago, and I meant to read it before MMBB.  However, I never had the time, so I knew once I had a signed copy, I needed to read it!  A bit too much language for my taste, but it was an interesting book that I couldn't put down.

Uncommon Criminals by Ally Carter
It's been several months since I reread any of the Heist Society books, so I decided to binge-read the whole trilogy.

Perfect Scoundrels by Ally Carter
All the Hale.  Also, I'm hoping since this is my 4th or 5th reread, I'll finally fully comprehend the heist.  Because I'm still confused about everything that happened after Niagara Falls in this book.

The Espressologist by Kristina Springer
I really wanted to reread this one, so I chose it for RRSS14 because of its length.  It's only 184 pages, which means I could easily finish it in a day and move onto my next book.

Landry Park by Bethany Hagen
This is a book I've been meaning to reread for quite awhile, especially so it would be one less book I had to bring to Asbury.

The Final Tally: 14

Overall, I really enjoyed participating in RRSS14, especially since I wasn't originally planning on it.  It was a good way to further convince me to reread some old favorites before I leave for college (so I don't have to bring as many books with), and I loved squealing over cute relationships, gasping over plotlines, and just generally feeling happy because I don't reread books I didn't like.  Rereads like these are nice, especially when read at the same time as books I DNFed or couldn't enjoy.


  1. I haven't done a lot of rereads for a while... maybe I should participate next year! I love your choices, especially Heist Society. (Hale. YES.)
