
February 15, 2015

Rewind to 2014: Reading Stats

It may be a month and a half since 2015 started, but there is still so much to discuss about 2014. In January, I talked about the best debut authors of 2014. This time, I'm going to discuss my reading statistics!

Number of Books Read
302, including rereads - at least the first time read or reread.

Pages Read
(rereads not included)
82,603 pages

Longest and Shortest Books
(rereads not included)
Longest: Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas (565 pages)
Shortest (not counting novellas): The Hidden Gold by Sarah Masters Buckey (150 pages)

Number of Books Read by Genre
(rereads not included; DNFs included)
Contemporary: 113 books
Fantasy: 48 books
Historical Fiction: 19 books
Science Fiction: 21 books
Futuristic: 16 books
Mystery/Thriller: 13 books
Middle Grade: 19 books
Other: 23 books

Number of Books Read by Rating
(rereads not included)
5 stars: 22 books
4 stars: 98 books
3 stars: 77 books
2 stars: 32 books
1 star: 2 books
DNF: 28 books

Average Rating per Genre
(rereads not included)
Contemporary: 3.4 stars
Fantasy: 3.4 stars
Historical Fiction: 3.4 stars
Science Fiction: 3.3 stars
Futuristic: 3.3 stars
Mystery/Thriller: 3.0 stars
Middle Grade: 3.0 stars
Other: 2.8 stars

Number of Books Read by Publisher
(rereads and DNFs not included)
Bloomsbury: 22 books
Disney-Hyperion: 16 books
Harlequin Teen: 5 books
HarperCollins: 67 books
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: 2 books
Little, Brown & Co.: 6 books
Macmillan: 26 books
Penguin: 14 books
Random House: 13 books
Scholastic: 14 books
Simon & Schuster: 16 books
Soho Teen: 3 books
Other: 27 books

Number of Books Reviewed
(rereads not included)
87 books

Books Read Per Month
(including some rereads; I go by when I started the book, not when I finished it)
January: 40
February: 22
March: 29
April: 26
May: 27
June: 25
July: 26
August: 19
September: 13
October: 13
November: 17
December: 23
January was a lovely month. You can tell when I started college because my total really dropped. I had plenty of free time most days this fall, but very little access to books I didn't already own. So I probably read more books this fall than recorded but if they were already on my spreadsheet as a first time read or first reread of the year, then they don't get entered again.

I'm pretty proud of the number of books I read, although I'm pretty sure 2015 won't hold the same number. My Goodreads reading challenge for 2014 was 200 books, and I've only challenged myself to read 150 this year. I think that should be attainable, considering how many books are on my TBR list. I'm also a bit of an overachiever. While some people are happy to have read 4 books a month, that's just not enough for me.
So let's talk reading stats! What did yours for 2014 look like? 

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo, contemporary! I approve. That's awesome that you read so many of those. :)
