
April 13, 2016

Seventeen More 2017 Reads

Y'all, I am so psyched that it's time for another Seventeen 2017 Reads post. Get ready for the seventeen recommendations coming your way. *crosses fingers that all of these will release in 2017* (I've been wrong about several of my Sixteen 2016 Reads.)

1. Little & Lion by Brandy Colbert
My first exposure to Brandy's writing was her short story in Summer Days & Summer Nights, and now I want more.
2. Nutcracked by Susan Adrian
Retellings and remixes have let me down before, but I am determined to find a Nutcracker retelling that I love.

3. Dimple & Rishi by Sandhya Menon
All the diverse contemporary YA romance!

4. Between Two Skies by Joanne O'Sullivan
This one is kind of at that border line between historical and contemporary since the event is in the past but was relatively recent. Either way, it sounds like it'll be poignant and wonderful.

5. Hit Single by Blair Thornburgh
Contemporary fiction is my jam (pun intended), and this is basically right up my alley.

6. Waking in Time by Angie Stanton

7. Meant to Be by Julie Halpern
Do y'all know how much I've seen this concept (and similar ones) talked about on Tumblr? People have begged for it to become a book. I have high expectations.

8. The Continent by Keira Drake
The Goodreads synopsis for this one is confusing, but I'm SO INTRIGUED.

9. You Don't Know My Name by Kristen Orlando
I am Ally Carter trash and therefore will read any book that sounds vaguely like I'd Tell You I Love You But Then I'd Have to Kill You.

10. Fever Dreams by Maureen Goo
I feel like this is a book a ton of book bloggers have been asking for and, while I don't watch K-dramas, I am all in.

11. Speak of Me as I Am by Sonia Belasco
Not gonna lie, I'm mainly interested in this one because the synopsis mentions Othello and I am also Shakespeare trash. But it's contemporary YA, which we've already established I love.

12. Tash Hearts Tolstoy by Kathryn Ormsbee
There's a couple YA novels cropping up in 2017 about web-series, which sounds like a phenomenal idea to me. This one in particular has sparked my interest.

13. The Matchmaker's Apprentice by Erin Beaty
Jane Eyre meets Mulan. MULAN. I don't talk about it as much as Beauty and the Beast, but Mulan is definitely in my top ten favorite Disney movies.

14. Lost Causes by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
It's Jennifer Lynn Barnes. Need I say more? (Although what I wouldn't do for more The Fixer novels...)

15. Dare Mighty Things by Heather Kaczynski
This is basically a level-up for The Selection with diversity.

16. Neighborhood Girls by Jessie Ann Foley
Something about that synopsis appeals to me (and it's not just the mention of Chicago).

17. Starfish by Akemi Dawn Bowman
I just found out about this book a few weeks ago, and it is something I want so very much so I'm glad I could include it in this post.

Well, that's all seventeen! Watch for the final one of these posts in July or August!


  1. Great list! I've heard of a few of these, but I'm headed now to GR to check out the rest. Thanks!

  2. I was already looking forward to a few of these books, but I just added You Don't Know My Name and Fever Dreams to my TBR! :)

  3. I've added so many of these to my to-read list - they all sound so good!
