
July 21, 2017

Review: Lucky in Love

Lucky in Love by Kasie West
Grade: B
Summary: Maddie doesn't believe in luck. She's all about hard work and planning ahead. But one night, on a whim, she buys a lottery ticket. And then, to her astonishment --

She wins!

In a flash, Maddie's life is unrecognizable. No more stressing about college scholarships. Suddenly, she's talking about renting a yacht. And being in the spotlight at school is fun... until rumors start flying, and random people ask her for loans. Now, Maddie isn't sure who she can trust.

Except for Seth Nguyen, her funny, charming coworker at the local zoo. Seth doesn't seem aware of Maddie's big news. And, for some reason, she doesn't want to tell him. But what will happen if he learns her secret?

With tons of humor and heart, Kasie West delivers a million-dollar tale of winning, losing, and falling in love.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Kasie West has been one of my go-to contemporary romance authors for a long time. I was a bit a concerned, after By Your Side, that she'd lost her touch; Lucky in Love was better than BYS, but it wasn't nearly as good as Kasie's previous books.
Maddie is touted as a responsible, thoughtful girl who doesn't give into her impulses, but a lot of Lucky in Love refutes that. After she wins the lottery, she starts spending money left and right without consulting a financial advisor or even her parents. I cringed at so many of the plot points involving her spending habits. (I'm also questioning the celebrity bit, and her being featured on a gossip site. The local news station and a local newspaper are believable, but I don't think a celebrity gossip site would care about a lottery winner.)
I'm really glad Trina turned out to not be a cliche, although Maddie's brother annoyed me. I also think just a little more time needed to be devoted to Maddie's family. Little problems are hinted at, and I wanted them to have more of an impact.
I adored Seth. He was a teeny bit bland, but I liked how the romance with him built. I also liked that he and Maddie met through work; I love when YA books give teens jobs.
Super clean in every area. There might've been some underage drinking, but I can't recall.

The Verdict: If you like Kasie West's books, you'll probably like this one, too.

Will I be adding this book to my library?: My preorder arrived yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. Whenever I struggle with a reading slump, I know I can pick a book from this author, and I'll have a fun time. I loved P.S. I Like You and The Fill-In Boyfriend, and I'm dying to read this one and By Your Side. Now more than ever, with the Summer vibes! These books are perfect for this time of the year ♥ Cute, easy to read, adorable... =D Thanks for your review, Emma!
