
November 2, 2018

Random Friday: Adulting

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Adulting is a term that seems to be growing quite popular with young millennials/older Gen Zers. We're all reaching that point when we realize, "Oh crap, I'm the adult."

Adulting, to me at least, means doing something I normally would've expected my parents to do. Like meal prep and cook for the week, or make appointments, or run boring errands, or get a bunch of chores done in one day.

Sometimes I adult more successfully than other days. I screw up recipes more than I'd like to admit. I don't actually get as many chores done as I should. (I constantly put off washing dishes, and I try to wait weeks to do laundry, just because I have to drag it down 10 floors.) 

What does adulting mean to you? How do you "adult"?

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