
June 23, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite TTT Topics

Although I love making lists of books, it's nice to occasionally make a list of something else. In this case, it's my favorite topics done for Top Ten Tuesday.

A lot of my early YA reads were thanks to Kate and Kelly. I don't know what I'd do without them as my friends.

2. Reading Wishlist (1/21/14)
It was like #RBWL, only in Top Ten Tuesday form!

I could probably add more characters to this list now, but I enjoyed thinking about the characters who I want to be more like.

I enjoyed writing this one so much that I turned it into my ongoing So You Like... post series.

5. Books in My Beach Bag (6/3/14) (Bonus: Books in My Travel Bag [5/26/15])
I really enjoyed deciding what books I'd want to read at the beach/pool or on a trip.

The topic for this week was ten books you'd recommend to someone new to the genre. I decided to be a bit more clever with the title. And there's so many more books I'd add to this post if I could do it again!

Can these characters just come to my university and be my lunch buddies, please?

I was supposed to pick books for my current book club (doesn't exist) or if I were to have a book club. But since I have such deep-rooted love for Heather Vogel Frederick's series about a book club, I knew I had to put a little spin on the topic. It was so much fun picking which ones I'd want them to read.

If you know me, the wiggle room in this week's topic was perfect because I'm always dying to recommend books that seem like T-Swizzle inspired them.

10. Author Bucket List (5/12/15)
Can I just meet all the authors, please?

So what were your favorite TTT topics? Leave a link to your post in the comments below and I'll try to check it out.


  1. I really love this meme. I might start participating at some point too. I think 'Characters I Want at My Lunch Table' is definitely one of my favs.

  2. Great list!! I had a tough time deciding which TTT posts I wanted for this week's theme.

    Here's a link to my TTT post for this week:

  3. The characters I'd want on my lunch table was a really fun one! Great list!
    My TTT
