November 29, 2013

Random Friday: What I'm Thankful For

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Yesterday was Thanksgiving for everyone in America, and I hope y'all had a nice day!  Mine was very quiet.  But now I want to talk about what I'm thankful for.

1. God
He's done so much for me in the past year, and I can't wait to see what He has in store for me in 2014.

2. My parents
They're supportive of my dreams and are helping me achieve them.  Plus, they've homeschooled me, giving me the best education possible, and provided a roof over my head and food.

3. My real life friends
All of you. :) I don't know what I'd do without you.

4. My blogger and Twitter friends.
Particularly Taylor, Mady, Sunny, Shae, July, and anyone else I've forgotten to mention.  I actually just "met" some of you this year, and that has been amazing.  Joining the book blogger community has been one of the best experiences of my life.

5. All the authors and books
There are so many amazing authors out there (Heather Vogel Frederick, Shannon Hale, Ally Carter, Marissa Meyer, Veronica Roth, Lindsey Leavitt, Melanie Dickerson...and that's barely touching on all of them!) and they've created masterpieces.  I can't wait to join your ranks someday.

6. The indie bookseller in my town
I don't know what I'd do if I always had to drive 20-25 minutes to get to Barnes & Noble, where they never recognize me.  You've watched me graduate to the YA section, and you've provided me with ARCs to review here.  So, thank you. :)

7. Taylor Swift
She's such a big part of my life, and she doesn't even realize it.  Her music inspires me, and she's a big role model for me.

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