Time for another book tag! I got this one from the inimitable CG at Paper Fury, and she got it from Instagram. Basically, you list three people/books/ things for each category.
Fave Authors
(Picking just three was very hard.)
(Picking just three was very hard.)

Emma Mills

Morgan Matson

Renee Watson
Weirdest Things Used as Bookmarks
1. A paint chip
2. Another book
3. A stuffed animal (I've full on stuck their paw/leg in there, or, if they were small enough, the whole animal. This was a very temporary bookmark.)
Series Binged

Gallagher Girls (I read all but book six in the course of, like, 2-3 days.)

Memoirs of Lady Trent (To be fair, I read them over a month. But I was steady and determined.)

The Hunger Games (All in one night, y'all.)
Characters I Love

Lara Jean Covey

Nina Zenik (My waffle-loving bb.)

Gideon Prewitt (who, tragically, doesn't have fan art yet)
Unpopular Bookish Opinions
1. Red Queen is overhyped.
2. I love deckle-edged pages. They are overused, though.
3. Typography covers are overused and losing their uniqueness.
Popular Bookish Opinions
1. Friends-to-lovers is an excellent trope.
2. Alina deserved a better romantic ending in the Shadow and Bone trilogy.
3. Publishers shouldn't change covers mid-series (and this includes book size and cover texture).
Favorite Book Covers

That Inevitable Victorian Thing by E.K. Johnston

Summer of a Thousand Pies by Margaret Dilloway

The Names They Gave Us by Emery Lord
Book Goals for 2019
1. Start DNFing even more. I mean, I don't want to dislike books so much I have to DNF them, but I'd rather stop wasting my time on a book I'm not going to like. Maybe that'll finally help my overall rating, even if it means I technically read fewer books.
2. Really tackle the Rory Gilmore Challenge. I've been working on this challenge since, like, late 2016, and I haven't been doing all that well, especially considering how many books are in the challenge. So I'd really like to kick things into high-gear and get at least halfway through it in 2019.
3. Stop caring so much about ARCs. As I move further into the publishing industry, I'm starting to realize I don't need to read every book before it's published. So I want to stop caring so much about getting certain ARCs. I'm hoping I'll soon only care about ones for my top favorite authors and I won't always want the most-coveted ARCs.
This was such a fun post! If you want to do it, I'm tagging you. :)
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