May 31, 2012

I'm Going to Camp...Online

The first day of Camp NaNoWriMo is tomorrow.  I'm hoping to do it in both June and August, and I'm very nervous for the June camp.  I was originally planning to start the next DoaH with this month (even though Cassie's story isn't completed yet), but I decided a book I've been dreaming up would be a better write for the month.  The problem?  I'm not sure if I can get the book to be 50,000 words. :-\ It's a modern fairytale, and I definitely need to work on fleshing out the story.  I have started writing it a bit, but that means I'll have more time in June to write more than the rewrite of the original.

Feel free to shoot me a message on the Camp NaNoWriMo website (13+ version), if you like!  I'm bookworm716.


  1. Yes!!! I've been waiting for NaNoWriMo!!!

  2. Replies

      Go to that link, and it'll tell you about NaNoWriMo. ;)

  3. So excited!
    Just a tip- you WILL get 50000 words. The biggest mistake you can make is convincing yourself that you won't, because you will just end up writing useless fluff and padding. If you just use good, careful detail, you will make the wordcount goal with no problem. My first NaNo, I was so scared about keeping my novel long enough that I wrote 50000 words and barely got into my plot at all.

    1. Thanks, Gabby. Yeah, I'm trying to be careful of that, but I've discovered short stories seem to be my forte at the moment. I think I really need to work on creating plots that can carry throughout the whole book, you know?

      Even if we don't end up in the same cabin, I'd love to trade books with you at the end and we can gently critique each other's. :)

    2. Sounds great! I would love to see your story- it is right up my alley!

  4. By the way, Emma, I'm starshipranger21.

  5. Hey, Emma. I'm not sure if you have already been nominated, but I've nominated your for an award! Check out my blog for more info.(:


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