Phew! Y'all have no idea how hard it was to pick these final eighteen books for the list. As always, here's hoping they a) don't get pushed back to 2019 (or later), and b) don't end up disappointing me.
1. Listen to Your Heart by Kasie West
I am not above putting two Kasie West books in my Eighteen 2018 Reads, because she has been an auto-buy author for so long now. (Also hoping this one gets a cute cover in the vein of P.S. I Like You and Lucky in Love)
2. La Vie en Rosie by Stephanie Kate Strohm
Food? Paris? Love? Sounds like a recipe for the perfect Emma book. (Sorry, couldn't resist.)
3. Rule by Ellen Goodlett
This sounds like Three Dark Crowns and Dividing Eden, and I am here for that.
4. The Weight of Worlds by Laura E. Weymouth
"...meets Chronicles of Narnia..." I'm sold.
5. Resistance by Jennifer A. Nielsen
In general, I'm tired of YA historical fiction set in World War II...but not when it's a story like this.
6. Not the Girls You're Looking For by Aminah Mae Safi
Always up for diverse YA, especially when it sounds as darling as this one.
7. The Length of a String by Elissa Brent Weissman
A Jewish middle grade story and the main character is adopted!

8. The Beloved Wild by Melissa Ostrom
If it's YA historical fiction and it has a lovely cover like that, it's going on one of my highly-anticipated lists.

9. Love & Luck by Jenna Evans Welch
I liked Love & Gelato all right (I should really give it another try), but I'm hoping to love Love & Luck, because I quite enjoy living vicariously through teenagers who get to go to Europe.
10. Bookish Boyfriends by Tiffany Schmidt
The premise of this one sounds so incredibly fun.
11. Ash Princess by Laura Sebastian
Debut fantasy that sounds fascinating. *crosses fingers*

12. Together at Midnight by Jennifer Castle
I'm a little nervous - just because the timeline sounds a little short to me - but the cover and premise are lovely.
13. The Field Guide to the North American Teenager by Ben Philippe
French Canadian protagonist? Sign me up.
French Canadian protagonist? Sign me up.

14. The Place Between Breaths by An Na
I love quiet narratives, and I have a feeling this book fits the bill.

15. Dread Nation by Justina Ireland
I don't really do zombie books, but with covers like that, how can a girl resist? Besides, alternate history is kind of my catnip.

16. Nice Try, Jane Sinner by Lianne Oelke
There's been a smattering of reality TV-themed YA books over the last five years, so let's hope this one is a hit.
17. Stay Sweet by Siobhan Vivian
All I've got to say is...ICE CREAM.

18. The Forgotten Book by Mechtild Glaser
Ignoring that the main character is named Emma, I'm game for anything with a magic book.
There are so many books here that I want to read! Listen to Your Heart is at the top of my list! And La Vie en Rosie! Really looking forward to that one! Have you read It's Not Me, It's You by that author? I loved it and it had me laughing so much! :)