April 5, 2019

Random Friday: My Characters' Pinterest Boards

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So I do Pinterest boards for my books, but I thought it would be fun to talk about what my characters would pin. I'm going to use pseudonyms for them, so that, even though I'm sensitive about sharing specific details of my book, I still can talk about them specifically.


Recipes. It's basically all recipes, and restaurants she wants to visit. Oh and plenty of Taylor Swift stuff haha, as well as movie quotes and dorm room decorating tips and studying tips. This is something that's on my board for the book that she would definitely pin too:

and this:

Wouldn't have Pinterest, probably. Just not something he's interested in. 


Lots of history memes.

Also leather jackets, poetry, song lyrics (he's getting into Bon Iver and Fleetwood Mac), and hiking stuff.


Stuff like this:

Other room decor things - string lights, greenery, cozy blankets.

She'd pin song lyrics, too:
Lorde // Supercut  In my head I do everything right. -bm🌊
Art credit.

As well as pretty bookcases and dog care stuff. :3 


Narnia. Lots of Narnia.

Like Elle, she'd pin cool bookcases as well as libraries around the world, her favorite book covers, and writing tips and prompts. Here's a few of her favorite prompts. ;)

Ok, so what would be on your characters' Pinterest boards? If they're in a fantasy novel, just pretend they know what Pinterest is. ;)

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