October 24, 2019

Review: Sick Kids in Love

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Sick Kids in Love by Hannah Moskowitz
Grade: B
Release date: November 5, 2019
An e-galley was provided by Entangled Teen via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.
Summary: Isabel has one rule: no dating.
It's easier--
It's safer--
It's better--
--for the other person.
She's got issues. She's got secrets. She's got rheumatoid arthritis.
But then she meets another sick kid.
He's got a chronic illness Isabel's never heard of, something she can't even pronounce. He understands what it means to be sick. He understands her more than her healthy friends. He understands her more than her own father who's a doctor.
He's gorgeous, fun, and foul-mouthed. And totally into her.
Isabel has one rule: no dating.
It's complicated--
It's dangerous--
It's never felt better--
--to consider breaking that rule for him.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: It's really nice to be told going into a book that the main characters won't die. As much as I love an emotional journey, it's also nice to get reality with fluffiness thrown in and pain that doesn't last (since no character dies).
I really liked Isabel and Sasha's story. I appreciated how Judaism played into each of their lives, and then also every conversation they were able to have about chronic illnesses. As much as Isabel doesn't want to date someone, I could feel how good it was for her to have someone in her life who truly got what it was like. Most of her friends were great with her, but they just didn't get it.
The friend group was good too. Isabel's dad was a little one-dimensional. Sasha's family got more development, though there's a tiny plotline with his dad that honestly, I could've done without.

Content warnings: hospital scenes, chronic illness and pains, swearing, underage drinking, 

The Verdict: It's a solid book.

Will I be adding this book to my library?: Maybe!

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