Triple Threat by Gwenda Bond
Grade: C+
Summary: For the first time, Lois Lane has almost everything she wants. Non-temporary home? Check. Dream job? Double check. Incredible BFFs? The absolute best. And now, her online crush, SmallvilleGuy, is coming to Metropolis. If all goes well, they'll turn their long-distance friendship into a some-kind-of-fairy-tale romance. But when does all ever go well? Before she can check boyfriend off her list, Lois must take down a mad scientist plus a trio of mutant teens, protect the elusive flying man from the feds (including her dad), and navigate her very first date with SmallvilleGuy. In the follow-up to FALLOUT and DOUBLE DOWN, Gwenda Bond's reimagination of DC Comics's first leading lady takes on her toughest challenge yet: Love.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: I didn't realize this was true until my preorder arrived two weeks early, but I apparently want new Lois Lane books all the time. Like, I just want tons of Lois adventures, especially now that SmallvilleGuy (who we all know is a certain glasses-wearing icon) is in the picture.
There's a lot going on in Triple Threat - so much so that I was a little concerned that it was too much. The mutant teens plot felt a bit farfetched and contrived at times. I think the flying man plot would've been a better focus for this book, especially since SmallvilleGuy finally makes an in-person appearance (plus TheInventor's identity is revealed, and I totally called who they'd be, and I'm so glad I was right). That plot felt like it was going to be more important than it was. I did enjoy watching Lois's romance with - can I just say it? We all know who Lois Lane dates eventually - Clark develop, although he felt more one-dimensional at times than I think he did in the past two books. Also because of the amount of plots going on, I felt like there wasn't enough of Lois's friends. They were only there when it was useful.
As always, the language is still super clean, as are violence and romantic content.
The Verdict: Pretty good, but if this is to be the final book, there are still too many questions left unanswered.
Will I be adding this book to my library?: Already have.
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